Since 1927

Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission


St. Ambrose University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

St. Ambrose University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (; 800/621-7440; 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604;


HLC认可中北部地区授予学位的高等教育机构, which includes the following 19 states: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. 高等教育委员会是由教育部长和高等教育认可委员会(CORPA)认可的, now continued under the Council on Higher Education Accreditation).

The Higher Learning Commission is based in Chicago. Information about its purpose and activities, as well as St. 可以买滚球的正规平台与委员会的隶属关系,可以从 HLC website or by calling 800-621-7440 or 312-263-0456. 

Higher Learning Commission College Data


By the Higher Learning Commission

NC-SARA logo

NC-SARA Participating Institution

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台已被批准参加国家授权互惠协议国家委员会.

iowa college aid logo

Iowa College Student Aid Commission

As a registered institution, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台被授权为爱荷华州的学位授予大学.

如果学生在联系负责学生活动的大学副校长后感到投诉没有得到解决 & Dean of Students, 学生可以通过这个联系爱荷华州教育部的大学援助局 Student Complaint Form or by calling 877-272-4456.

Iowa Department of Education
Bureau of Iowa College Aid
400 E 14th St
Des Moines, Iowa 50319 

Iowa Department of Education's Bureau of Iowa College Aid

Specialized Accreditations

College of Business
The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) has accredited the undergraduate programs of accounting, business administration, economics, finance, international business, managerial studies, and marketing, as well as the graduate programs in accounting, business administration (MBA and DBA) and organizational leadership.

Iowa Department of Education

Industrial Engineering

Public Health
The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). The St. 可以买滚球的正规平台公共卫生硕士课程(MPH)目前是CEPH认证的申请人.

Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The baccalaureate degree program in Nursing at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台是由大学护理教育委员会认证的, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.
The Iowa Board of Nursing

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physician Assistant

Social Work
Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)

Speech-Language Pathology
Council on Academic Accreditation of American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)

Understanding Accreditation

高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)是通过认证提高学术质量的国家倡导者和代言人. CHEA是一个由授予学位的学院和大学组成的协会,并认可机构和项目认证组织.

CHEA是美国唯一专注于高等教育认证和质量保证的全国性组织. The CHEA Accreditation Toolkit provides important information on U.S. higher education accreditation and recognition to students, families, faculty, administration, governing boards, and accrediting organizations.

Register a Complaint

St. Ambrose University takes pride in our service to students. From time to time, students may have questions concerning policies or practices. Generally there are logical explanations for situations, 通常大多数问题都可以在非正式的环境中通过与相关的个人或办公室直接讨论来解决. In instances where a student raises a question about a policy or decision, the affected staff or faculty member may respond. If it is not possible to resolve a matter through direct discussion, a student may appeal for further consideration by registering a complaint.

Registering a Complaint with St Ambrose University

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台致力于为学生提供高质量的学术课程和服务,并鼓励学生在学术或非学术问题上有顾虑时与大学联系.

A complaint is defined as dissatisfaction occurring when a decision, act, or condition, based upon specific factual data, affects the student in a perceived negative or unjust manner; furthermore, an allegation of improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment by university personnel.

Residential Programs

希望注册投诉的学生可以联系圣可以买滚球的正规平台负责学生参与的副校长 & Dean of Students. To clarify the student's concerns, complaints should be sent in writing to: Vice President of Student Engagement & Dean of Students, St Ambrose University, 518 W Locust Street, Davenport, IA 52803, by phone at 563-333-6000, or by completing the online Student Complaint Form.

如果学生在联系负责学生活动的大学副校长后感到投诉没有得到解决 & Dean of Students, 学生可以通过填写一份表格与爱荷华大学学生援助委员会联系 online dispute form or calling 877-272-4456.

Online Programs

希望注册投诉的学生可以联系圣可以买滚球的正规平台负责学生参与的副校长 & Dean of Students. To clarify the student's concerns, complaints should be sent in writing to: Vice President of Student Engagement & Dean of Students, St Ambrose University, 518 W Locust Street, Davenport, IA 52803, by phone at 563-333-6000, or by completing the online Student Complaint Form.

有关向认证机构或州许可机构注册投诉的信息可通过 viewing or downloading this PDF with contact information.


SARA logo可以买滚球的正规平台被爱荷华大学援助委员会批准参与国家授权互惠协议(SARA)倡议. SARA is a national initiative establishing comparable national standards and expectations for distance and online education; the central purpose is to increase access to online courses and standardize student consumer complaint processes. By participating in SARA, SAU允许在州外为居住在SARA成员的任何其他州(目前包括49个州)的学生提供在线课程, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands).

正在考虑在线课程以获得专业执照的学生应该联系他们计划实习的州的执照代理机构. SARA does not provide reciprocity for professional licensing.

For more information, visit the NC-SARA website.

Educational Requirements for Licensure Programs

Federal guidelines established in 2019 require institutions such as St. 可以买滚球的正规平台(Ambrose University)公开披露学术课程是否符合某一职业就业的特定专业执照的教育要求.

下面列出的课程是圣可以买滚球的正规平台的专业执照课程. Educational requirements are noted for all states. Requirements may, however, change at the digression of the state, and as such, 有兴趣的申请人和当前的许可证候选人应咨询有关司法管辖范围内的许可证委员会.

All documents below are Excel (.xlsx) files.

Teacher Education - Initial Teaching License
Nursing - Initial Nursing License
Bachelor of Social Work - Initial License
Master of Social Work - Advance License
Master of Physician Assistant Studies - License
Master of Speech-Language Pathology - License
Doctor of Occupational Therapy - License
Doctor of Physical Therapy - License

Student Location Definition

In accordance with 34 CFR §600.9 - State Authorization, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台在确定学生的位置时遵循以下政策. Upon request, this information shall be made available.

1. 在申请时,学生的位置(州)被确定为他们的永久地址. 这个地址是通过申请过程获得的,当学生从申请状态转到活跃状态时,这个地址成为活跃地址.

2. 活跃学生可以在任何时候通过使用“更改地址”表格更改他们的位置 Registrar's Portal Page or one the Office of the Registrar's website.

So, what's next?

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